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In the church-world, we will celebrate Pentecost Sunday this week – June 5, 2022. That’s the 7th Sunday after Easter. The Jewish community will celebrate Shavuot – primarily a thanksgiving for the first fruits of the wheat harvest. Later the Jewish community celebrates not only harvest, but the giving of the Law by God to Moses on Sinai. This is a great weekend of celebration!

The evangelical church celebrates Pentecost (50 days after Passover) as the “birthday of the church” – that event in the Upper Room in Jerusalem when the Holy Spirit is outpoured on the 120 disciples who hath gathered there at Jesus’ instructions to the “endued with power from on High”.

Jesus had commemorated Passover in that same Upper Room with his disciples, prior to His suffering and death on the Roman cross – then his triumphant resurrection from death which has become known as “Easter” or “Resurrection Sunday”.

Now in that Upper Room, “suddenly” there came a “sound from heaven of a rushing mighty wind” --- “tongues of fire” were seen on each of the 120’s heads – and the phenomenon of them “speaking in tongues” that they had not previously known. A crowd gathered at the commotion happening in Jerusalem on that Festival Day – and Peter preached, “This is that spoken by the prophet Joel, in the last days I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh….” At the conclusion of that sermon, 3,000 people became disciples and followers of Jesus Christ.

We must never divorce Harvest from Pentecost --- Pentecost is about “power” to fulfill the Great Commission to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations”.

As we celebrate Pentecost – yes, let’s shout – let’s sing – let’s speak with tongues and prophesy --- but most importantly, let’s WIN THE LOST AT ANY COST!

Pentecost and Harvest are forever married! It’s all about souls being won to Christ! God help us truly be “Pentecostal” – every day of the year!

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